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荷蘭與中國海運物流會議 荷蘭與中國海運物流會議


分類:行業新聞 908 0


On the 13th of September, the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Lingang Marine Science Park have organised a discussion and networking event centred on the logistics industry in China and abroad. XNode welcomes domestic and international enterprises, and people gathered in our JingAn space to join the discussion and explore the future of the logistics industry with people from around the world.

Holland Innovation Network


The Holland Innovation Network in China is part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. We work with companies and research institutes from the Netherlands to facilitate their exploration of innovation opportunities in China. Our offices are located at the Embassy in Beijing, and the Consulate Generals in Shanghai and Guangzhou. We aim to expand and improve the innovation capabilities of the Netherlands by connecting Dutch businesses, research institutes and universities to potential cooperation partners in China. We inform our stakeholders about new (technological) developments, business opportunities and new business models in China by organizing seminars, publishing updates and creating networking opportunities.

PortXL為全球的港口業務提供創新加速。港口碼頭的業務占全世界的經濟比重非常大,如航運、物流、能源和石油化工都是世界經濟的支柱。想要保持在此領域上的領先地位就一定需要創新,而PortXL帶來的正是創新加速服務,背靠鹿特丹的大企業:Van Oord, Vopak, Damen, Boskalis, and Port of Rotterdam,他們已經開始在這些領域尋找初創企業,為他們在鹿特丹找到頂尖的客戶。而這些加速對于初創企業無異于在未來能夠成為港口航運巨頭的敲門磚。

PortXL accelerates worldwide startups to innovate port business. Port business is one of the larger economical sectors in the world. Port sectors like offshore/maritime, logistics, energy and oil & chemicals are the backbone of the world economy. Staying on top of your game requires innovation. This is why PortXL, backed by multiple Rotterdam based multinationals like Van Oord, Vopak, Damen, Boskalis, and Port of Rotterdam, has started to find startups in these sector around the world and help them find their 1st, 2nd or 3rd client in Rotterdam. This can be the stepping stone for these startups to become the next global player in Port business!

Holland Container Innovations B.V. (HCI)成立于2008年初,從Delft University of Technology拆分出來后他們主要的任務目標就是要成功構想新型的折疊式集裝箱。他們很快取得了進展,在2009年3月第一代全尺寸的原型誕生。在2011年6月英聯邦科學委員會為最新的原型頒發了證書,在2013年3月產品完全通過ISO認證。現在HCI已經于中國完成折疊式集裝箱——4FOLD的生產,并面向客戶出售與租賃,并且參與到YES!Delft的科技孵化項目中。

Holland Container Innovations B.V. (HCI) was established in early 2008 as a spinoff from the Delft University of Technology – their mission being to successfully bring to market the idea of a foldable container. HCI quickly made substantial progress, resulting in the first full-size prototype by early March 2009. In June 2011 HCI had received CSC certification for the newest prototype and as of March 2013 the container was fully ISO certified. Currently HCI produces 4FOLD – the foldable container – in China, and it is for purchase or leasing. HCI also continues to take part in the YES!Delft tech incubator program.


MARIN, the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, has been an independent and innovative service provider for the maritime industry since 1932. We take initiative to couple our own expertise to various application areas to broaden our ability to solve problems. By maintaining our leadership position in hydrodynamic and nautical research and development, we make our accumulated know-how and experience available for Concept Development, Design Support, Operations Support and Tool Development. We have a dual mission: to provide industry with innovative design solutions; and to carry out advanced research for the benefit of the maritime sector as a whole. MARIN has a joint venture with Shanghai Ship & Shipping Research Institute (SSSRI). With the joint forces, we are able to serve the shipbuilding industry in Asia with the top quality of the world, at a competitive price.

Ran Marine Technology致力于運用成熟和持續開發中的技術來保護海洋和淡水域的未來,主要專注于污染物處理和對港口及航道的化學清理,Ran Marine利用創新和技術為全球的客戶帶來更有效、更實在的價值。Ran Marine Technology是一家跨國技術公司,主要在南非與荷蘭發展業務,解決日益阻塞航道的人造垃圾問題。AquaDrone是其為實現全球范圍內人類港口、海灣、運河等智能管理而開發的項目。

Ran Marine Technology is dedicated to using the technology & developments of today to protect the oceans and waterways of tomorrow. Primarily focused on waste management and chemical clean-up of ports & waterways, Ran Marine is using innovation & technology to create more efficient & cost effective options for our global clients. RanMarine is a South African/Dutch technology business, developed with the idea of tackling the flow of plastic and man made detritus that is slowly suffocating our oceans before it can be taken offshore. By developing our AquaDrone we hope to man Harbors, Ports, Canals and Mariners globally with 24-hour on-the-water autonomous AquaDrones.


StaffaIPI was founded to improve safety, sustainability, productivity and profitability for the entire container transport community by implementing the Universal Container Locking System (UCLS) solution. Market need: 225 million containers are loaded and discharged from ships every year. The vast majority of containers use devices called twistlocks to keep them on board ships while at sea and on barges or on trains and trucks during inland transport. Twistlocks, and twistlock handling is dangerous, time consuming work costing shipping companies and terminal operators in excess of $5 billion annually. Shipping companies and terminal operators are actively seeking solutions to the twistlock handling problem; however, solutions to date, at best, only solve a small part of the twistlock problem. Solution: The Universal Container Locking System (UCLS) is a truly automated, fully integrated container twistlock system for shipping containers. UCLS equipped containers will significantly improve safety, environmental sustainability and productivity while converting twistlock handling costs into savings for the entire container transport community: Vessel Operators, Terminal Operators, Railroads, Road Transport.

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